This morning Randy and I walked almost two miles to the back of Indian Lakes and back home again. It took about 35 minutes due to the pain on top of my right foot and the bottom of my left foot. There's not much to do but walk through it. That's the way it is with fibromyalgia. I went to the dr about it a couple of months ago but there's not much to be done about it. Unfortunately, it's not one of those things that goes away as you get stronger. It just exists because it can. I'm not a tough nut. I'm more of the squishy type, so walking while in pain isn't high on my list of fun things to do. Randy is good with me though and keeps me going through it. My friend, Gail, is going to walk with me in the mornings this summer, and she'll help me through it, too.
The rowing machine is easier on my feet so I'll try to use it every other day. In another week, I'll be able to swim laps in the pool each day, too. That's what I'm looking forward to!
Went for a two mile walk to the back of the subdivision. Loved it! So beautiful. Ankle hurt due to the faster pace, but we just slowed down to accommodate it. It took 35 minutes to walk it, and I know we need to go faster but it's our first week out in a couple of months. Small steps will lead to big changes down the road. I'm posting pictures of our walking route to my pics page. Check them out!
No exercise today.
We took our two mile walk and shaved 5 minutes off our time. I was in a hurry to get back and see American Idol. We had 3 dogs keep us company along the way. Geez, they make it look easy.
Two mile walk in 30 minutes. Less foot and leg pain. I've been feeling more awake later into the evenings and waking up refreshed. It's amazing what a little exercise will do for you!
Took the day off from exercise
Two mile walk in 30 minutes. Plenty of foot and ankle pain.
Two mile walk - not sure of the time. Lots of ankle/foot pain. We went a different route and it had longer stretches of inclines. Lots of swimming today! We went out to the pool at 11:30 a.m. and didn't come back in until 7:30 p.m. Great day!
No exercise per se, but I did pack up my room and move furniture at school today.
Rowing machine for 20 minutes and threw darts while Randy hula hooped on the Wii.
30 minute walk and 15 minute cool off in the pool.
35 minute walk and 30 minutes of relaxing chill time in the pool. Pain in ankles didn't kick in until the last 10 minutes or so since we weren't going up and down hills. Very nice.
Just a little swim tonight.
Unloaded firewood from Randy's truck and stacked it. Laundry and housework. Swimming (laps and stretching exercises)
Cleaned out the garage - swept and sweated! Swam a bit in the pool.
Walked 2 miles. Not sure of time but we went at a brisk pace. Pain in the front of both legs/feet. Could be because I worked out those muscles to the point of fatigue in the pool day before yesterday. If so, it could be that they'll strengthen over time. Keeping my fingers crossed. Jumped in pool when we returned and swam two laps.
Gail W. and I walked about 1.5 miles today at Restoration Park in West Monroe. It was a good, tough walk on rough gravel.
No exercise today. Packed for vacation, cleaned and vacuumed the house. That's plenty!
6/2 - 6/10 - Beach Vacation!
Housework! Vacuuming, laundry, cleaning bathrooms followed by lots of swimming!
Morning walk (2 miles) and swimming. No ankle/leg pain!
2 mile walk at Restoration Park with Gail! No ankle/leg pain!
101 degrees outside with a 104 "feels like" temp. No walking for me today but lots of swimming planned for tonight!
Volleyball in the pool for 20 minutes or so. My ankles were on fire by the end but we had a great time.
Light gardening for 20 minutes.
Randy and I took a 1.6 mile walk through a shady neighborhood nearby. The temps have been over 100 for the past two weeks, so walking was hot even in the shade. It was doable, though. We'll do it again.
Volleyball in the pool for 30 minutes.
Four hours of four wheeling at Camp Livingston. Just hanging on wears me out, and then you have to add in all of the ducking and dodging tree branches and vines. 104 degrees, too. Hot, but tons of fun!
Walked one mile at Glenwood track with Gail. I'm planning to walk with Randy tonight, as well.
6/21 - 7/9
Other than walking my butt off all over LSU's campus during 101 degree heat for two days, I haven't gotten any exercise due to an allergic reaction to meds that caused cramping pain all over my body and swelling in my face, mouth, and throat. Sort of difficult to walk doubled over and swollen up. This is where I pull out that Scarlet mentality...tomorrow is another day.